Andrew's Selkouutiset Archive

Radio | News week in plain Finnish | Sunday 5.1.2025

Changes in 2025 (part 2)

// TV’s clear news will be broadcast next on Tuesday, January 7th. //

Changes in 2025

The topic of the news week is changes in 2025, part 2.

This weekend’s news week has two parts.

In the previous part, we reported on the increase in the price of many goods, services, and gasoline this year.

We also reported on the changes to the Aliens Act.

In this section, we will talk about changes to housing allowance, household deductions, and taxation for families with children, for example.

Housing allowance will be reduced in some cities this year. Photo: Jaana Polamo / Yle

Housing allowance

There were 3 major changes to housing benefits this year.

One change is that housing allowance can only be received for rented accommodation. You cannot receive housing allowance if you own an apartment.

Another change is that a family’s assets can reduce housing benefit.

The third change is that housing allowance will be reduced in 6 cities.

These cities are Kajaani, Kouvola, Lappeenranta, Mikkeli, Pori and Vaasa.

The reason is that rents in these cities are not as high as in many other cities.

For example, window cleaning can be done as household work, which gives you a household deduction. Photo: Tiina Jutila / Yle

Household deduction

The household deduction will decrease quite a bit this year.

The maximum household deduction this year is 1,600 euros. That is less than half of last year’s maximum amount.

The amount is the same this year for renovation work and household chores.

The household deduction means that a person can receive a tax reduction if they, for example, have renovations done or purchase care or cleaning services.

This year, a smaller portion of work will be eligible for household deduction than before.

The deductible for the household deduction also increased to 150 euros. Expenses below that amount will not qualify for the household deduction.

The household allowance is calculated for one person, but for example, both spouses can receive the household allowance.

Taxation for families with children will be reduced this year. Photo: Toni Pitkänen / Yle

Taxation of families with children

Taxation for families with children will be reduced this year.

Taxation will be reduced for middle- and low-income earners with minor children.

The maximum tax deduction amount will be increased by 50 euros for each child.

Single parents receive double the increase.

For example, if a single parent’s annual salary is 30,000 euros and they have one child, they will have about 100 euros more money left this year than last year.


The topic of the news week this time was changes in 2025, part 2.

Many things will become more expensive and many subsidies will decrease this year due to government savings. In this section, we talked about changes to the household deduction and housing allowance, for example.

In Part 1, we talked about, for example, the increase in the price of medicines and books due to taxation and changes in the granting of asylum.

You can listen to part 1 and all other news weeks on Yle Areena or on theSelkouutisten website.

This was a news week in plain Finnish. See you again, let’s hear from you!