Andrew's Selkouutiset Archive

Radio | Clear News | Saturday 21.12.2024

Hospital network reform

Hospital network reform

The topic of the news week this time is hospital network reform.

This week, Parliament passed a law that will reduce night shifts in hospitals. Shifts will be concentrated in large hospitals.

The vote in Parliament was very close. Some representatives of the governing parties also voted against the law.

We will now tell you more about the hospital network decision.

Photo: Minna Rosvall / Yle

Tight voting result

Parliament approved the new Hospital Network Act on Tuesday.

The law was supported by 101 representatives and opposed by 96 representatives. 2 representatives were absent from the vote. No one abstained.

So the law was passed with a very strict result.

Three (3) representatives of the governing Finns Party and two (2) members of parliament from the governing National Coalition Party voted against the law.

This was exceptional. Normally, all representatives of the governing parties vote in favor of the government’s proposals.

The graphic shows how different parties voted in the hospital online vote.


The hospital network reform will end some night shifts at hospitals.

The 24-hour joint emergency service for primary health care and specialist medical care will cease in Oulainen and Salo. Valkeakoski will also be left without the 24-hour joint emergency service.

Primary healthcare night-time emergency services will end in Iisalmi, Varkaus, Jämsä and Raahe.


The purpose of the reform is to save public spending and help with the healthcare personnel shortage.

Not all night shifts have many patients. That’s why doctors want to concentrate on shifts that have more patients from a larger area.

Minister of Social Affairs and Health Kaisa Juuso says that the reform will save over 26 million euros per year.

Long journeys

Reducing the frequency of night shifts is a sensitive issue in the provinces, i.e. in the areas where night shifts will cease.

For many people, the journey to the emergency room is getting much longer. The journey to the emergency room can be over 150 kilometers.

Many citizens, nurses, and doctors are disappointed with the hospital network decision.

The purpose of the hospital network reform is to ease the healthcare personnel shortage. Photo: Henrietta Hassinen / Yle


The topic of the news week this time was the hospital network reform, which reduces night shifts at hospitals.

The reform is intended to help with the shortage of healthcare personnel. The reform will also save government spending.

The issue has been difficult in Parliament. The parties have been arguing about the reform for many months. In the parliamentary vote, 5 members of parliament from the governing parties also voted against the reform.

Many citizens and healthcare workers are disappointed with the hospital network decision.

This was a news week in plain Finnish. See you again, let’s hear from you!