Andrew's Selkouutiset Archive

Radio | News week in plain Finnish | Sunday 21 July 2024

Alien species

Here is Uutisviikko in plain Finnish and Pertti Seppä. The topic of the news week this time is foreign sports. Alien species are plant and animal species that move with people to new areas. There, they can displace the region’s own species. Now we will tell you what harm alien species can cause.


Lupine is a beautiful plant, but it does not belong to Finnish nature. Photo: Tuija Veirto / Yle

There are many plants in Finland’s nature that are actually alien species. So they were not originally grown in Finland.

For example, lupine is an alien species. It is an ornamental plant that came to Europe from North America.

Attempts have been made to eradicate lupins from the Finnish nature, but it is no longer successful. There are simply too many lupines already. They grow, for example, along roads.

Nowadays, attempts are made to keep lupines out of nature reserves, at least.

In the past, the Finns even planted lupines. From the yards, my lupine also got out into nature.

In nature, lupins change the soil so that other plants disappear. It, in turn, harms insects, which are important to nature as a whole.

The duck pond case

The duck pond had to be emptied because of alien species. Photo: Arash Matin / Yle

This summer, Paimo’s Ankkalamme has been reported in the news. Duck Pond is normally a popular swimming spot, but now there is no water in it.

The city had to drain the entire pond because of the alien species. Sunbathers swim in the pond. They are fish that do not belong in Finnish waters.

The sun perch is an alien species in Europe. Photo: Jere Sanaksenaho / Yle

In addition, there was a plant in Aurinkolammi called kelp water plague. These alien species got to Ankkalampe because someone emptied the pond’s aquarium.

Now the Ankkalampi has been pumped empty and the alien species have been removed. Water is flowing into the lake again, and you can swim in it maybe already next summer.

The works have already cost the city of Paimio more than 100,000 euros.

Big costs in the world

For example, the giant pipe is a poisonous alien species. Photo: Riikka Pennanen / Yle

The World Nature Panel says that harmful alien species cause costs of around 400 billion euros worldwide every year.

Alien species even harm food production and human health. For example, some plants of alien species are poisonous.

People must act so that alien species cannot spread.


The topic of the news week was foreign sports. Let’s repeat the most important things.

Alien species do not belong to the original nature of the area, and they displace native species.

Alien species are harmful in many ways, and they cause big costs.

Harmful alien species may not be brought into Finland.

This was Uutisviikko in plain Finnish, see you again. Goodbye!