Andrew's Selkouutiset Archive

TV | Clear news | Tuesday 9 July 2024

Housing trade | Ukraine | Space | Weather

Housing trade

First, news about the apartment deal.

The housing market may soon take a turn for the better.

Real estate agents say that apartments are now being sold a little faster than before.

The decline in housing prices has also slowed down or stopped.

The housing market may soon turn for the better.

It is a good thing for the Finnish economy.

Ordinary people have put a lot of money into housing. When house prices fall, people get poorer.

When there is little housing sales, construction also stops. Then construction workers will have no work.


Then news from Ukraine.

On Monday, Russia carried out large missile attacks on Ukraine.

At least 37 people died in the attacks. A large part of them died in Kiev.

One blow hit a children’s hospital in Kyiv.

On Monday, Russia carried out missile strikes on several Ukrainian cities.

Ukraine has a weak air defense.

The big meeting of NATO, the military alliance of the Western countries, starts today, Tuesday.

Experts say the attack may have been Russian President Vladimir Putin’s message to NATO.

Putin wanted to show NATO that Russia can do anything in Ukraine.


Then the news about space.

The European Space Agency ESA is launching a space rocket today.

The name of the space rocket is Ariane 6.

Ariane 6 can carry 10 tons of cargo into space, for example satellites.

Europe will launch a space rocket in the evening.

It is important for Europe to be able to send satellites into space. Satellites are essential for society.

Today, America and China are better than Europe with space rockets.


Another weather forecast. It won’t rain on Wednesday.

The temperature is above 20 degrees in the south, below 20 degrees in Lapland. It can be hot in the east.