Andrew's Selkouutiset Archive

TV | Clear news | Tuesday 2 July 2024

Parliament | Tourism | Trust and Finance | Weather


First, news from the parliament.

The conversion law has caused a big controversy in the parliament.

With the help of the Return Act, Finland can turn away asylum seekers at the eastern border.

The government says that Finland needs a conversion law because of Russia.

Russia can cause problems for Finland if it sends a lot of asylum seekers to the Finnish border.

However, researchers say that the conversion law violates the human rights of asylum seekers.

The conversion law has caused a big controversy in the parliament.

Many MPs say that the law is needed for Finland’s security.

However, many MPs oppose the conversion law.

No one knows yet whether the parliament will approve the conversion law.


Finland is trying to attract more tourists. Travel companies think that Finland can be a big tourist country in the future.

The reason is that it is really hot in the summer in southern Europe these days. In many countries, the temperature can be over 40 degrees.

If southern Europe is too hot for tourists, perhaps tourists will start traveling to northern Europe.

Finland is trying to attract more tourists.

Therefore, more flights are needed from Europe to Finland. Tourists also need more services in Finland.

Trust and economy

Researchers say that Finns’ confidence in the economy has improved a little.

For example, people are interested in housing trade again. That’s good news, because there have been very few housing sales lately.

Many people also fear unemployment less than before.

Finns’ confidence in the economy has improved a little.

Researchers say that trust is still quite weak.


On Wednesday, the weather will vary. It’s raining in Lapland and the east. There can also be thunder in the east. The temperature is slightly below 20 degrees.