Andrew's Selkouutiset Archive

Radio | News week in plain Finnish | Saturday 29 June 2024

Russian attacks on Ukraine’s energy grid

The topic of the news week this time is Russia’s attacks on Ukraine’s energy grid.

Russia has increased attacks on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure, i.e. the energy network.

That is why power outages are increasing in Ukraine. The energy grid has been badly damaged.

Power outages cause problems for companies and people.

Russia’s purpose is to make life difficult for Ukrainians. We will now tell you more about the situation of energy supply in Ukraine.

Gas pipes and oil pipes are part of the energy network. Image: AOP

The attacks are increasing

Russia has increased attacks on Ukraine’s energy grid.

For example, in March, Russia carried out a lot of strikes because Ukraine had very few anti-aircraft missiles left.

Russia attacks Eastern Ukraine a lot, but last week, for example, Russian attacks destroyed the energy grid in Western Ukraine.

The attack targeted power plants in four 4 different areas. The shock cut off electricity from nearly 220,000 homes or businesses.

Big damage

The energy network, i.e. the energy infrastructure, includes many things that are used to produce and transfer energy to people. The energy network consists of electricity networks, gas networks and oil pipelines. Power plants also belong to the energy network.

Over the course of 3 months, the Russian attacks have paralyzed about half of Ukraine’s energy production. The energy grid has been destroyed to the value of around 50 billion euros.

Power outages cause a lot of inconvenience and damage to companies. For example, the operation of food factories becomes more difficult and transportation becomes more difficult. Therefore, Ukraine may experience food shortages, fuel shortages and heating problems as winter approaches.

Russia has attacked, for example, power plants. Photo: Juha Kivioja / Yle

Protecting the energy network

Power outages are recycled, i.e. electricity is distributed alternately to different areas. A power outage can last for several hours.

Ukraine is trying to increase the protection of power plants and decentralize the energy grid. The USA has promised Ukraine an air defense system. It can help repel Russian attacks.

However, it is difficult to protect the energy grid, because the energy grid is a really broad matter.


The topic of the news week was Russia’s attacks on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure.

Let’s repeat the most important things.

Russia has increased attacks on Ukraine’s energy grid since spring. Russia has attacked, for example, overhead lines and power plants.

Ukraine’s power generation capacity has dropped to half of normal.

Russia’s purpose is to make life difficult for Ukrainians, especially in winter. Ukraine needs a lot of help from the West.