Andrew's Selkouutiset Archive

TV | Clear news | Tuesday 18 June 2024

Economic growth. Oulu stabbing. The scoundrels. Forecast.

Economic growth

First, news about the economy.

The Finnish economy is growing more slowly than expected.

This is what the Ministry of Finance, or Ministry of Finance, estimates. It has lowered the forecast for the development of the Finnish economy.

VM predicts that the public sector deficit will be 3.7 percent this year. In the spring, the forecast was 3.5 percent. Public entities are municipalities, welfare regions and the state.

Borrowing is also increasing. Finland will take on more debt this year and in the following years than the Ministry of Finance estimated in the spring.

The Finnish economy is growing more slowly than expected.

A big reason is that interest rates are falling more slowly than expected.

When interest rates remain high, debt costs also remain high.

Oulu stabbing

Now the crime news.

A child was stabbed in Oulu last week.

A Finnish man stabbed a child in a shopping mall. The child was 12 years old. The man may have tried to stab the child’s friend as well.

Both children have an immigrant background.

The stabber has a far-right background.

The police are investigating whether the stabbing was a racist crime.

A child was stabbed in Oulu last week.

The child was able to go home from the hospital on Monday.

The Oulu District Court imprisoned the stabber on Monday. He is suspected of 2 attempted murders.

Trainer of the Huhkajis

Finally, sports news.

Markku Kanerva continues as Huuhkajie’s head coach.

Huuhkajat is the Finnish men’s national football team.

Kanerva’s new contract extends to at least the next World Cup qualifiers. They start next year.

The Finnish Football Association considered many coaches from abroad as well.

The president of the Finnish Football Association Ari Lahti says that Kanerva is the best coach for the Finnish team.

Markku Kanerva continues as Huuhkajie’s head coach.

There will also be new coaches to help Kanerva. Jani Honkavaara, Teemu Tainio and former Huuhkajie captain Tim Sparv will join us.

Kanerva says that the new assistant coaches will benefit the Finnish game.

“We are now going through with the new coaching team. They have followed our games. This know-how they have will benefit Huuhkaji.”


Another weather forecast.

It’s raining in Lapland.

In the central part of the country it rains occasionally.

In the south and east, it’s raining, that is, it doesn’t rain.

The temperature is between 11 and 20 degrees. It is coldest in Lapland.