Andrew's Selkouutiset Archive

TV | Clear news | Monday 17 June 2024

New party leaders. Dance camp. Mosquitoes. Weather.

New party leaders

First, politics.

At the weekend, 2 new party leaders were elected.

The center’s new chairman is Antti Kaikkonen. Kaikkonen was elected to the position of chairman at the central party meeting on Saturday.

Antti Kaikkonen is 50 years old. Kaikkonen is a Member of Parliament, and he has previously also been Minister of Defense.

The center has a lot of support in the countryside. In big cities, the center has not fared well.

The Center is an opposition party, which means it is not part of the current government.

So 2 new party leaders were elected at the weekend.

Anders Adlercreutz was elected to the position of chairman of RKP. The choice was made by the RKP party meeting yesterday.

Adlercreutz is 54 years old. He is a member of parliament and a minister. RKP is therefore involved in the current government.

RKP, or the Swedish People’s Party, gets a lot of support from the Swedish-speaking regions of Finland. Finland’s bilingualism is important to RKP.

Dance camp

Then about the children.

Summer camps are popular in Finland.

Many children go to camp during the summer holidays while their parents are at work.

This new kind of camp was last week in Helsinki. It was a dance camp.

Camps are popular in the summer.

At the dance camp, the children got to move while they learned to dance. At the same time, they made new friends.


Finally, the topic of mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes can affect tourism.

There are the most mosquitoes in Lapland, where we hope to see more tourists.

However, some tourists do not want to travel to Lapland in the summer because of the mosquitoes.

Most tourists travel to Lapland in winter.

So mosquitoes can affect tourism.

However, the relationship between mosquitoes and the tourism industry has not been studied in Finland.

Tuesday’s weather

Another weather forecast.

It is a rainy day in the area that stretches from the eastern parts of the country to Western Lapland.

Elsewhere, the cloudiness varies and in the central parts of the country there will still be a shower of rain.

Did you already listen to the weekend’s Uutisviikko programs in clear Finnish?

Finland and javelin throwing

Marimeko Poppy