Andrew's Selkouutiset Archive

TV | Clear news | Wednesday 12 June 2024

Protection of forests. Scabies medicine. Travel in the archipelago. Weather.

Protection of forests

First, news about forest protection.

The government has decided what kind of old forests Finland will start protecting.

Ministers Kai Mykkänen and Sari Essayah told about the government’s decisions yesterday.

For example, the government has decided that an old forest can be protected if it is at least 100 years old.

Also, for example, the tree species in the forest affect whether the forest can be protected.

The government has therefore decided on the protection of old forests.

The government praises the conservation decisions, but the opposition disagrees. In the opinion of the opposition, there are too many forests outside of protection.

New scabies medicine

Then the medicine news.

Pharmacies will soon start selling a new scabies medicine.

Scabies is a skin rash, the symptom of which is severe itching.

The authorities have given a marketing authorization to a new Swedish medicine for scabies.

They are trying to get it to pharmacies in Finland quickly, because the old scabies medicines no longer work well.

Pharmacies will start selling the new scabies medicine soon.

That’s good news for many, because scabies abounds these days.

Scabies is caused by a microscopic mite that lives on the human skin.

Doctors don’t know why there are more scabies today than before.

Travel in the archipelago

Then the topic is travel in the archipelago.

Nowadays, tourists demand good services also in the archipelago.

The Finnish archipelago is visited by many tourists in the summer.

For example, there are couples who take care of their relationship by spending quality time together.

The archipelago’s tourists demand good services.

Restaurateur William Hellgren from Korppoo has also noticed it.

He is proud that the small towns of the archipelago are able to offer the same quality services as the big cities.

Thursday’s weather

Another weather forecast.

Tomorrow it will rain and thunder in the afternoon. Sometimes the sun also shines.

It’s sunny on the west coast. It’s cloudy in Lapland.

The temperature is mostly above 15 degrees.

The sun shines in the evening.