Andrew's Selkouutiset Archive

TV | Clear news | Tuesday 11 June 2024

Alcohol. Extreme right. EGS exhibition. Weather.

Alcohol in grocery stores

First the topic is alcohol.

Stronger alcoholic beverages have entered grocery stores.

You can now buy drinks with 8 percent alcohol in grocery stores.

Such drinks include, for example, strong beers and ciders and some wines.

Previously, grocery stores only sold drinks with a maximum alcohol content of 5.5 percent.

Stronger alcoholic beverages entered grocery stores yesterday.

Only Alko is still allowed to sell drinks with an alcohol content of more than 8 percent.

Far right in the European elections

Then the matter of the European elections.

In last week’s European elections, the extreme right was successful in some parts of Europe.

For example, in France and Germany, far-right parties gained a lot of support.

They did better in the European elections than the parties that lead the governments of these countries.

The political situation in France in particular is difficult, as President Emmanuel Macron’s party received far fewer votes than the far-right.

The extreme right was very successful in the European elections of large countries.

Members of the European Parliament were elected in the European elections.

One of the extreme right’s election themes was immigration. The extreme right opposes immigration.

Political experts are now considering how the success of the extreme right affects European politics.

EGS exhibition

Then culture.

This summer in Helsinki you can get to know the art of the Finnish EGS.

Here, EGS plays mini golf at the Didrichsen Art Museum.

The museum’s summer exhibition features EGS art: graffiti, paintings and art glass.

EGS has been making art for 30 years, and this summer you can get to know EGS’s art at the Didrichsen Art Museum.

However, we don’t know who EGS is. The artist’s real name is a secret.

EGS says he is interested in the world and travels a lot.

He wants to inspire people to think independently.

Wednesday’s weather

Another weather forecast.

The weather is rainy. It can also thunder.

It’s sunny on the west coast.

The temperature is between 11 and 18 degrees.

The sun shines in the evening.