Andrew's Selkouutiset Archive

TV | Clear news | Monday 10 June 2024

Euro elections in Finland.

European elections in Finland

In this broadcast we talk about the EU elections.

Finns voted yesterday in the EU elections, i.e. the European elections.
Members of the European Parliament were elected in the European elections.
Finns elected 15 members, or MEPs, to the European Parliament.

European elections were organized in all European Union countries. There are 27 EU countries, and a total of 720 members are elected to the European Parliament.


The winner of the Finnish European elections is the coalition. It received almost 25 percent of the vote. Kookomus is the only Finnish party that got 4 MEPs in the European Parliament.

The coalition was also number one in opinion polls before the elections. Therefore, the victory of the coalition was not a surprise.

Other parties

Finland’s European elections also saw some surprises.

The big surprise was that the support of the left-wing coalition increased a lot. The Left Alliance was the second largest party in the European elections, and it gets 3 MEPs.

It was also a surprise that the support of basic Finns dropped a lot. The party now only gets 1 MEP.

The support of other parties did not change much. SDP, the center and the Greens each get 2 MEPs, RKP gets 1 MEP.

Li Andersson

The vote queen of the Euro elections, i.e. the most popular candidate, was Li Andersson of the Left Alliance.
Almost 250,000 Finns voted for Andersson. No one has received so many votes in Finland’s European elections before.

Andersson received 13.5 percent of all votes. Andersson’s success explains the fact that the left-wing coalition’s support rose so much.

Finns were not really interested in the European elections. Only about 42 percent of Finns of voting age went to vote.


More weather forecast.
The weather will vary on Tuesday in Finland.

It is cloudy and sunny in the south. Elsewhere, it rains and may also thunder.

The temperature is 15 to 20 degrees.