Andrew's Selkouutiset Archive

TV | Clear news | Friday 7 June 2024

Euro elections. Heels. Athletics European Championships. Weather.

Yle’s European election exam

First, news about politics.

The European Parliament elections, i.e. European elections, will be held on Sunday.

The chairmen of the parliamentary parties met yesterday at Yle’s election exam.

They strictly discussed, for example, the EU’s use of money.

France and Estonia have proposed that the EU establish a defense fund that can be used to arm Ukraine.

The chairman of Basic Finns, Riikka Purra, said that it is difficult for politicians to monitor the EU’s spending of money, because the money goes to so many things.

The vice-president of the coalition Antti Häkkänen said that tax funds are needed to help Ukraine and defend European countries.

SDP chairman Antti Lindtman said that the EU needs to get new own revenues.

The chairmen of the parliamentary parties strictly discussed the EU’s use of money in Yle’s election exam.

The European elections are on Sunday.

Falling interest rates

Now news about the economy.

Interest rates are starting to drop. The European Central Bank ECB has decided to lower the key interest rates.

The deposit rate drops from 4 percent to 3.75 percent. The change will take effect on June 12.

This was announced on Thursday by the head of the European Central Bank, Christine Lagarde.

The European Central Bank ECB has decided to lower the key interest rates.

Information is good for ordinary people. It means that the economic situation will improve. This is what the Chief Economist of the Osuuspankki Group Reijo Heiskanen says.

“From the point of view of the Finnish household, this message was good in that sense. The outlook for the economy is balanced, inflation is slowing down, the economy can recover and the interest rate can be gradually lowered.”

Athletics European Championships

Finally, news about sports.

The European Athletics Championships have started. The European Championships started on Friday morning in Rome, Italy.

Almost 70 athletes from Finland will participate in the Games.
One of them is the pole vaulter Wilma Murto.

Murto injured his Achilles tendon in the spring. That’s why he has competed only once this summer.

Murto says that he has a good mood for the Games.

“Yes, I have such a competitive feeling.”

The European Athletics Championships have started in Rome.
Wilma Murto starts the competition on Saturday.


Another weather forecast.

On Saturday it will rain at times, especially in the west. In Lapland, the sun shines in places.

The temperature is between 15 and 20 degrees.