Andrew's Selkouutiset Archive

TV | Clear news | Friday 31 May 2024

Donald Trump. Hospital bus. Chappe’s exhibition. Weather.

Donald Trump

First news from abroad.

Former US President Donald Trump is guilty of a crime.

This is what the jury in the USA has decided. Jury says Trump falsified accounting before 2016 presidential election.

Trump falsified information because of porn star Stormy Daniels. Porn star was paid not to talk about relationship with Trump.

Now a jury has decided that Trump committed a crime when he falsified and withheld information.

Trump himself says he has done nothing wrong.

The tension in the USA is now how the case will affect the presidential election.

The next US president will be elected in November, and Trump is likely to be the Republican presidential candidate.

Hospital bus

Then the topic is a hospital bus that leaves Finland for Ukraine.

Finns still want to help Ukraine.

A good example is this hospital bus. The bus was built by Finnish aid organizations, and the money came from ordinary Finns.

The bus has complete hospital equipment. Patients can even be operated on in the hospital bus.

In addition, the bus has a space where the deceased can be preserved with dignity.

Finns still want to help Ukraine.

Many people think that the hospital bus is a good and concrete way to help.

Chappe’s exhibition

Then culture.

Art museum Chappe presents art in a new way this summer.

Visitors can enter the works using virtual reality.

Virtual reality reacts to this painting, for example. For the viewer, the experience is soothing, even magical.

Art museum Chappe is now presenting art using virtual reality.

The exhibition is open all summer. Art museum Chappe is in Tammisaari.

Saturday’s weather

Another weather forecast.

The weather is sunny in the south. The temperature is close to 30 degrees. Thunder is possible in the afternoon.

It rains and thunders more in the north. The temperature in the north is between 15 and 25 degrees.