Andrew's Selkouutiset Archive

TV | Clear news | Monday 27 May 2024

Valkeakoski’s sadness. Stubb in Estonia. Internet. Weather.

Valkeakoski’s grief

First we go to Valkeakoski.

In Valkeakoski, people are mourning a girl who died at the weekend as a victim of a crime.

Valkeakoski has a mourning flag today, and a moment of silence has been organized in the city’s schools.

Schools also offer discussion help to young people.

People are mourning a girl who died at the weekend as a victim of a crime.

The girl was found dead in the forest on Saturday. He was 15 years old.

The police have arrested a man who may have raped and killed the girl. The man is a 19-year-old Finn.

The police say that the incident is very rare. Serious violence against such young girls is not common in Finland.

Stubb in Estonia

Then news of President Stubb.

President Alexander Stubb has started a state visit to Estonia.

Estonian President Alar Karis received the Finnish presidential couple in Tallinn at Freedom Square.

There, President Stubb also laid a wreath at the Estonian War of Independence memorial.

President Alexander Stubb started his state visit to Estonia today.

Themes of the visit include, for example, security and defense.

Finland and Estonia do a lot of defense cooperation, now that Finland is also a member of the defense alliance NATO.

President Stubb’s state visit to Estonia lasts 3 days.


Then the topic is the internet.

The Internet increases people’s well-being.

This is what assistant professor Matti Vuorre says. He is one of the authors of a large survey.

Vuorre says that people feel better if they at least have the opportunity to use the internet.

So the Internet increases people’s well-being.

One reason is that it is easy to do things on the internet.

Good examples are online banking and caregivers’ remote receptions.


Another weather forecast.

In the southern and central parts of the country, the weather is cloudy and sunny.

There may be isolated showers in the east. It’s thundering in Lapland.

The temperature is over 25 degrees in the southern and central part of the country, 15-25 degrees in the north.