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Radio | News week in plain Finnish | Saturday 25 May 2024

Voting in the European elections.

Here is Uutisviikko in plain Finnish and Pertti Seppä. The topic of the news week this time is voting in the European elections. Early voting for the European elections starts next Wednesday. The actual election day is June 9. Now we will tell you more about the subject.

European elections

Now is the time to elect the members of the European Parliament. Photo: Antti Mikkola / Yle

Members of the European Parliament are elected in the European elections at the beginning of June. In Finland, election day is Sunday, June 9.

Early voting starts next Wednesday, May 29. It will continue until June 4. There are places to vote in advance, for example, in libraries and shopping centers.

Early voting is a good option for everyone who cannot vote on the actual election day, for example due to travel.

It is good to remember that on the actual election day you can only vote in the place that is written on the voter’s right to vote notice. Voting rights notification is sent to everyone who has the right to vote.

The right to vote

Elections belong to democracy. Photo: Virpi Kotilainen / Yle

So who can vote in Finland’s European elections?

All Finnish citizens who are at least 18 years old can vote in the elections.

Citizens of other EU countries are also allowed to vote in Finland’s European elections if they are registered in the voting rights register in Finland.


The European Parliament has MEPs from all EU countries. Image: EPA

A total of 720 representatives, or MEPs, are elected to the European Parliament.

MEPs are elected more from large countries than from small countries. 15 MEPs are elected from Finland.

In the European Parliament, MEPs form political groups. The groups have members from many different countries.

We have a lot of power. For example, they pass laws that affect the lives of all Europeans.

That is why it is important that people vote in the European elections. The voters will decide what kind of MPs we will have for the next 5 years.

More information

Yle’s election machine helps you find a suitable candidate. Photo: Petteri Bülow / Yle, Hilppa Hyrkäs / Yle

More information about the European elections and voting can be found on the Ministry of Justice’s election website. The pages also have information in plain language. The address

If you’re still wondering who to vote for, you can get to know the candidates in Yle’s election machine. The address


The topic of the news week was voting in the European elections. Let’s repeat the most important things.

In the European elections, representatives to the European Parliament are elected.

In Finland, election day is June 9.

Early voting begins on Wednesday, June 29.

This was Uutisviikko in plain Finnish, see you again. Goodbye!