Andrew's Selkouutiset Archive

Radio | News week in plain Finnish | Saturday 18 May 2024

Popularity of the far right in Europe.

The topic of the news week this time is the popularity of the far right in Europe. In June, the European Parliament elections will be held.

Opinion polls show that the far-right is growing in popularity in many countries. That is why power in Europe is moving more to the right than before.

We will now tell you more about the growing popularity of the far right.

The popularity of the far right

European Parliament in Brussels. Photo: Mimmi Nietula / Yle

720 representatives are elected to the European Parliament. The media have asked people in different countries which party they intend to vote for.

Many people plan to vote for candidates from conservative parties or far-right parties. The position of these parties is strengthened in the European Parliament.

The meaning of far-right

The far right refers to many parties from the center right to the far right. The parties are different, but they have in common a negative attitude towards immigration and nationalism. Far-right parties do not want much power for the EU.

Now, half of the members of the European Parliament, or MEPs, are from the left or liberals. The biggest group is the coalition, or EPP. The coalition, liberals and social democrats have cooperated.

Polls show that in the future the right wing will be the majority in the European Parliament. If the far-right grows, other parties also need to cooperate more with the far-right. That is why the importance of the far right is increasing.

Immigration policy and environmental policy

Outside the European Parliament there are texts reminding about the European elections and democracy. Image: EPA-EFE

The growth of the far right can affect many things in the European Parliament. For example, climate issues may receive less attention than before.

Immigration policy may also tighten. Immigration policy has already tightened this election season. The tightening may continue if the power of right-wing groups increases.

Right-wing parties can also succeed in different countries’ own elections. It also increases the importance and power of the far right in the EU.


The topic of the news week was the growth of the far right in Europe.

Far-right refers to many parties with right-wing ideas.

Opinion polls show that the far right may be growing in the European Parliament. It can tighten immigration policy and relax environmental policy.

The term of the European Parliament is 5 years. The voting day for the European elections is June 9 in Finland. Before that, there is a preliminary vote, which starts on 29.5. and ends on 4.6.