Andrew's Selkouutiset Archive

Radio | News week in plain Finnish | Sunday 12 May 2024

The price of sweets.

The topic of the news week this time is the price of sweets, i.e. candy and chocolate. Sweets will soon become more expensive.

The reason is that the government is increasing the tax on sweets. It could be that Finns eat less sweets when they become more expensive.

Now we will tell you more about the price of sweets, i.e. candy and chocolate.

Loose candies

The store’s bulk candy shelf. Photo: Markku Pitkänen / Yle

Finns eat a lot of sweets. Finns especially like loose candy.

For example, last year the consumption of loose candies increased by 10 percent.

When there was a corona pandemic, people ate less loose candy. People were afraid that Corona would catch when a person touches a store’s scoop of loose candy.

Many stores therefore did not sell loose candy during the corona. Now Corona no longer affects the consumption of loose candies.

S group stores say that after loose candies, the most popular sweets are Fazer’s blue chocolate bar and Double chocolate bar.

The price goes up

These candies look like coins. Photo: Pontus Nyqvist

Sweets, i.e. candy and chocolate, will soon become more expensive. The reason is that the government is increasing the tax on sweets.

The main reason for the tax increase is that the government needs money. Another reason is that sweets are unhealthy.

It may be that Finns eat less sweets when they become more expensive.

It will be good if Finns eat less sweets in the future.

Sweets cause, for example, overweight.


Sweets make holes in the teeth. Image: Medicimage / AOP

The price of sweets will rise soon. Researchers still say that Finns may not reduce their consumption of sweets.

Many people like sweets so much that they may eat them even if they get more expensive.

Some may start buying foreign sweets. They are cheaper than Finnish sweets.

Fazer is the largest Finnish company that makes sweets. Fazer says that the tax increase is a really bad thing for it.


The topic of the news week was the price of sweets. Let’s repeat the most important things.

Sweets are unhealthy if a person eats too much of them.

The government plans to increase the tax on sweets.

That’s why sweets become more expensive.

This was Uutisviikko in plain Finnish, see you again. Goodbye!