Andrew's Selkouutiset Archive

Radio | News week in plain Finnish | Saturday 4 May 2024

MP Timo Vornanen

This time, the topic of the news week is Timo Vornanen, member of parliament for the Basic Finns. Vornanen has been dismissed from the parliamentary group of basic Finns. The reason is that Vornanen may have committed a crime. Now we will tell you more about Vornane’s case.

Vornanen and the parliament

MP Timo Vornanen in the parliament. Photo: Eduskunta

Unusual news has been received from the Parliament of Finland this week.

The police suspect that Timo Vornanen, member of parliament of the Basic Finns, has committed a crime. That’s why the Basic Finns no longer trust Vornane, and Vornanen has been removed from the Basic Finns’ parliamentary group.

However, Vornanen plans to continue in the parliament. He plans to establish his own parliamentary group.

Vornanen has apologized for the events to basic Finns and the entire parliament.

Vornanen and the gun

Vornanen shot the ground with such a weapon in Helsinki. Photo: Päivi Meritähti / Yle

The police arrested MP Timo Vornanen about a week ago in Helsinki. The police released Vornase shortly after the arrest.

Vornanen was arrested because he shot on the ground outside in front of the restaurant at night. He also pointed a gun at people. Before this, Vornase had an argument in the restaurant.

The police suspect that Vornanen, for example, caused danger and illegally threatened others. However, no one was injured in the incident.

The police are now investigating the events. The trial may begin later.

The reputation of Vornane and the party

Fundamental Finns chairman Riikka Purra does not approve of Vornane’s act. Photo: Silja Viitala / Yle

Timo Vornanen’s case is very rare. In Finland, it is not usual for a member of parliament to be arrested for a crime involving a firearm.

The case is also serious because Vornasen’s profession is a police officer. Vornanen did police work for a long time before he was elected to parliament.

Vornanen’s case damages the reputation of native Finns. Security is an important theme for the party. In Finland, the streets must be safe, says Perussuomalaiset.

Riikka Purra, the chairman of Basic Finns, does not approve of Vornase’s behavior. Purra says that Vornanen has acted wrongly.


The topic of the news week was Timo Vornanen, member of parliament for the Basic Finns. Let’s summarize the most important things.

The police suspect that Timo Vornanen has committed a crime.

Vornanen shot a gun to the ground outside a restaurant in Helsinki. However, no one was injured.

Because of the incident, Vornanen was dismissed from the parliamentary group of the Basic Finns.

This was Uutisviikko in plain Finnish, see you again. Goodbye!