Andrew's Selkouutiset Archive

TV | Clear news | Thursday 2 May 2024

Euro elections. Reception desk. First of May. Forecast.

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Party support in the European elections

First, news about politics.

Yle has asked Finns which party they support in the European elections.

The most popular party is the Prime Minister’s Party. Almost 22 percent of Finns support the coalition.

The second most popular party is the opposition party SDP. Almost 20 percent of Finns support SDP.

With this support, the coalition gets 4 seats in the European Parliament and SDP gets 3 seats.

Yle has asked Finns which party they support in the European elections.

Based on the answers, the Basic Finns, the centre, the Greens and the Left Alliance will each get 2 seats in the European Parliament. RKP loses the party’s only seat.

The European elections will take place from June 6 to 9.

Judgment on Vastaamo’s data breach

Now the news about the facial therapy center Vastamo’s data breach.

The court has sentenced Aleksanteri Kivimäki to more than 6 years in prison for the data breach of Vastaamo.

The basis of the sentence is that Kivimäki tried to grossly blackmail almost 21,000 people. The verdict also came from Kivimäki spreading the information of more than 9,000 people.

The court has sentenced Aleksanteri Kivimäki to more than 6 years in prison for the data breach of the psychotherapy center Vastaamo.

The patient data of 33,000 people were taken in the data breach.

May Day

Finally, news about the holiday.

May Day was celebrated on Wednesday in warm weather.

In Helsinki’s Kaivopuisto, the morning started with the choir of singers from the Student Union. Thousands of people gathered in Kaivopuisto for a picnic.

Adel Rizvi has completed many degrees. That’s why he wore many hats.

In Tampere, an old May Day tradition is the baptism of tea makers. New engineering students are baptized in Tammerkoski water. The people of Tampere followed the rapids on the beach

May Day was celebrated on Wednesday in warm weather.


Another weather forecast.

It rains a little in the north and east. Elsewhere, it’s cloudy, meaning it’s not raining.

Cloudiness is variable in the south and west, the sun can also shine a little. The temperature is between +4 and +17 degrees.