Andrew's Selkouutiset Archive

Radio | News week in plain Finnish | Sunday 21 April 2024

Number of babies in Finland.

The topic of the news week is the small number of babies in Finland.

Finns make very few babies these days. There is a lot of talk about it in the news.

It can affect Finland’s future in many ways.

We will now tell you more about it.

Finns make few babies

Little baby. Photo: Jill Nissen / Pixabay

Finns make very few babies. Last year, fewer babies were born to Finns than ever before.

One in three Finnish men over the age of 40-49 is childless today. One in five 40–49-year-old women is childless.

So there will probably be far fewer Finns in the future than today.


The countryside empties when the number of people in Finland decreases. Photo: Leo Gammals / Yle

Few babies are born to Finns these days. It can greatly affect Finland’s future.

In the future, there may be very few young, working-age people and many old people. It is a difficult thing for society.

Working-age people pay, for example, the pensions of old people. It is difficult to pay pensions if there are few people of working age.

In addition, working-age taxes are used to pay, for example, health care and many other services. The health care situation is also difficult if there are few people of working age.

The number of people in rural Finland is decreasing all the time these days. In the future, the countryside may become completely empty when so few people live in Finland.


Not everyone finds a good partner. Photo: Yle/Aitomedia

Why do Finns make so few babies? No one knows exactly what the answer is.

Researchers say that people are having children at an older age than before.

It’s a risk because it’s harder for a woman especially to have a child when she’s close to middle age.

Some people may want to live without children. They think that life without children is more fun and easier.

Some cannot find a good partner with whom to make children.

In many other countries too, people are having fewer children than before.


The topic of the news week was the number of babies in Finland.

Finns make very few babies.

No one knows exactly what causes it.

Finland will change in many ways if there are much fewer people here.

This was a news week in plain Finnish, see you again! Goodbye.