Andrew's Selkouutiset Archive

TV | Clear news | Wednesday 10 April 2024

Vegetarian food in schools. Landfill waste. Women’s football. Spring. Weather.

School lunch

First, the topic is school food.

Schools offer a variety of vegetarian dishes less than before.

Last year, schools removed more than 100 vegetarian dishes from their menus.

Vegetarian dishes have been reduced because school children do not like them. That’s why a lot of vegetarian food in schools also ends up in the trash.

The situation upsets chef Mia Jernström.

- Yes, you want to offer people good and tasty food, so of course it feels bad that people are always barking.

Schools offer vegetarian meals less than before, because school children do not like them.

Schoolchildren want pizza and hamburgers, for example, but schools must offer healthy food.

Landfill waste

Then news about waste.

Less waste is sent to landfills than before.

About 20 years ago, every Finn produced almost 300 kilos of waste per year, which was taken to the landfill.

Now a Finn only produces about 2 kilos of landfill waste.

The amount of landfill waste therefore decreases.

The reason is that the waste is recycled efficiently. Raw materials and energy are obtained from waste.


Then sports.

Finnish women got an important victory in football.

Finland beat Italy in the European Championship qualifiers yesterday. Finland won the game 2 - 1.

Italy scored the 1st goal, but Jutta Rantala’s shot tied the game.

Oona Sevenius’s shot brought Finland the win.

Finnish women got an important victory in football.

Last week, Finland lost to Norway, but a win over Italy improves Finland’s chances of reaching the European Football Championship.


Spring has finally come.

Finns go outside as soon as the sun starts to shine.

Markku Kallio from Pori says that the winter was terrible.

- Terrible. Horrible for the weather, freezing, and for anything it was horrible and long.

Thursday’s weather

Another weather forecast.

The weather is getting a little cooler.

Thursday is cloudy, i.e. rainless. It is sunny in many places.

Rain will spread to the south in the evening.