Andrew's Selkouutiset Archive

TV | Clear news | Monday 8 April 2024

The strikes ended. Euro elections. Internet scams. Weather.

The strikes ended

First the news about the strikes.

The political strikes ended. The employees went back to work today, Monday. The strikes lasted about a month.

The workers were on strike because they oppose the government’s reforms.

Many factories and ports were closed due to the strike. Now goods are being exported from Finnish ports to foreign countries again.

The political strikes ended. The workers’ organization SAK may organize new strikes later.

European elections

Now news about the European elections.

The European Parliament elections, i.e. European elections, are held in June. 15 members of the European Parliament are elected from Finland.

Many Finnish politicians want to work for the European Parliament in Brussels.

For example, RKP chairperson Anna-Maja Henriksson and left-wing coalition chairperson Li Andersson will participate in the elections. Later this year, they will be removed from the position of party chairman.

Former party leaders Eero Heinäluoma, Katri Kulmuni, Ville Niinistö and Maria Ohisalo are also candidates for the European elections.

The European elections are on June 9.

Online scams

Now the topic is scams on the internet.

The authorities are investigating a lot of different scams that happen online.

Ulla Nieminen enjoys handicrafts. A Chinese online store has photos of sweaters made by Ulla Nieminen. This is an online scam.

A Chinese online store sells sweaters with photos without permission. If a customer orders a sweater from an online store, he will receive a completely different shirt in the mail.

Authorities say that there are a lot of such online scams.

Tuesday’s weather

Another weather forecast.

The sun will shine tomorrow, Tuesday, in a large part of the country. The whole country is cloudy, that is, it doesn’t rain. The temperature is up to 15 degrees in the south. In Lapland, the temperature is almost 10 degrees in some places.