Andrew's Selkouutiset Archive

TV | Clear news | Friday 5 April 2024

Political strikes. Party support. Eastern border. Weather.

Political strikes

First, news about political strikes.

The political strikes will end after this week. On Thursday, the trade unions decided to end the strikes.

The strikes have been going on for almost four weeks now. Due to the strikes, many large factories are closed and a large part of goods transport has stopped.

Trade ports are also closed due to strikes. Therefore, the export and import of goods from abroad has stopped.

The political strikes will end after this week.

The unions have organized the strikes because they oppose the government’s reforms in working life.

Now the trade unions hope that the government will negotiate with them on the reforms.

Party support

Then the news about the parties’ support.

The coalition has lost the position of the most popular party. The Coalition is now the second most popular party.

This is what Yle’s new support survey says.

The most popular party is now SDP. Political scientists say that especially women now support SDP.

The coalition has lost the seat of the most popular party to SDP.

The coalition leads the government. SDP is in the opposition, which means it opposes the government.

Researchers say that political strikes and the government’s austerity policy have increased SDP’s popularity.

Eastern border

Another news from the eastern border.

The border between Finland and Russia will remain closed. The board decided on the matter on Thursday.

In addition to the land border, the government closes three ports. Boats are not allowed to enter the ports.

The government says that the border must be kept because Russia has arranged for asylum seekers on Finland’s eastern border.

Russia’s goal is to cause harm to Finland.

Finland’s eastern border has been closed since November.

There are many people in Finland who have family or relatives in Russia. Their life is difficult when the border is closed.


Then the weather forecast

It won’t rain on Saturday. There are few temperatures in the south. It’s a little cold in the north.