Andrew's Selkouutiset Archive

TV | Clear news | Tuesday 2 April 2024

School shooting. Support surgeries. Hand injuries. Weather.

School shooting

First, the topic is a school shooting.

There has been a school shooting in Vantaa.

The police say that 1 student died in the shooting. 2 students were seriously injured.

The police have arrested the shooter. The arrest went peacefully.

The shooter and the shooter’s victims are 12 years old.

There was a school shooting in Vantaa today.

The shooting happened in the morning at Jokiranta school, which is part of Viertola school.

Social workers have been supporting the school’s students since the incident.

Support surgeries

Then the news about social security.

The social security cuts have come into effect.

For example, housing allowance will decrease. The housing allowance will decrease when the housing allowance is checked the next time.

Unemployment security is also weakening. For example, the unemployment insurance child increase will end.

Kela says that the benefits of around 500,000 Finns will be reduced.

The social security cuts have come into effect.

The government wants to save money through cuts. In addition, the government wants to encourage people to go to work. Even a small salary produces more than subsidies.

Social Security Minister Sanni Grahn-Laasonen estimates that more than 70,000 unemployed people will move to work because of the reform.

Hand injuries

Then the subject of hand injuries.

Many get hand injuries in the spring.

The reason is that Finns make firewood and build terraces in summer cottages and detached houses.

Here, firewood, i.e. klapas, is made with a klapa machine.

There are also smaller clap machines for sale, which are suitable for a summer cottage.

Hand surgeon Eero Waris says that the machines cause accidents that must be repaired with surgery.

Many people get hand injuries in the spring.

Hand surgeon Waris says that people should pay attention to the safety nets and safety instructions of the machines.

Wednesday’s weather

Another weather forecast.

The snowfall area is moving east over the southern part of the country.

During the day, it is still snowing in the east, in the west and north it is cloudy, i.e. no rain.

The weather is getting colder.

The driving weather becomes bad or very bad at night in the south.