Andrew's Selkouutiset Archive

TV | Clear news | Monday 25 March 2024

A terrorist attack in Russia. Eastern border. Political strikes. Weather.

Terrorist attack in Russia

First news from Russia.

In Russia, the police have arrested 4 people because of a terrorist attack. The police suspect that they carried out a terrorist attack in Moscow on Friday.

Russians mourn the victims of the terrorist attack. At least 137 people died when the men attacked the concert hall.

The extremist Islamic terrorist group ISIS says it carried out the attack.

Russian President Vladimir Putin blames the terrorist attack on Ukraine. Investigators say Putin wants to turn the terrorist attack into a propaganda weapon against Ukraine.

Eastern border

Then news from the eastern border.

The government is making a new law concerning the security of Finland’s eastern border. The government wants the border guards to be able to stop asylum seekers coming from Russia.

The government wants the possibility to prevent asylum seekers from coming to Finland from Russia.

Experts say there are many problems with the law.

International agreements say that a person always has the right to seek asylum. Therefore, the law may violate international agreements.

Last fall, Russia started to refer a lot of asylum seekers to Finland. Russia wanted to cause problems in Finland.

The government says that the new law only applies to exceptional situations where another country uses asylum seekers against Finland.

Political strikes

Then the news about political strikes.

Trade union political strikes are entering their third week. Strikes affect gas stations, for example.

Because of the strikes, some gas stations have run out of fuel.

Some people have bought gas to store because they are afraid of running out of gas. Still, there is at least enough gas at almost all gas stations.

The unions are on strike because they oppose the government’s reforms that affect working life.


Another weather forecast. Almost all of Finland has pouta. The temperature is between -4 and +4 degrees. It can be colder in Lapland.