Andrew's Selkouutiset Archive

Radio | News week in plain Finnish | Sunday 17 March 2024

Putin’s Russia.

The topic of the news week is Russia, which is led by President Vladimir Putin.

Russia had a presidential election this weekend. The Russian election was neither free nor fair. Vladimir Putin’s victory in the election was already a foregone conclusion. We will now tell you more about the election and Putin’s Russia.

Unfair presidential election

 Photo: Roni Rekomaa / Lehtikuva

A presidential election was held in Russia over the weekend. Vladimir Putin continues as the President of Russia.

There were no opposition candidates in the Russian presidential election. Russia is not a democratic country. The opposition cannot participate in politics in Russia.

Opponents of Putin organized demonstrations in Russia during the presidential election. There were also demonstrations against Putin in other parts of the world. The police arrested dozens of people who participated in demonstrations in Russia.

There were no foreign election observers present at the Russian presidential election.

Putin’s reign

 Photo: Alexander Kazakov / AFP / Lehtikuva

Vladimir Putin came to power in Russia in 2000. Putin is 71 years old. Russian law has been changed so that Putin can be president until 2036.

Putin very much rules Russia. Many Russian politicians and opponents of Putin have died since Putin came to power in Russia.

A year ago, the International Criminal Court ordered that Vladimir Putin should be arrested. Putin is accused of war crimes.

Russian invasion of Ukraine

 Photo: via REUTERS

Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022. The war is still going on. Many countries condemn the Russian attack. Economic sanctions were imposed on Russia. Because of the war, many countries do not cooperate with Russia.

Russia’s war of aggression must not be criticized in Russia. In Russia, you can get a prison sentence if you criticize Russia’s attack on Ukraine.


The topic of the news week was Russia, which is led by Vladimir Putin. Let’s repeat the most important things. Russia had a presidential election at the weekend, which was not democratic. Vladimir Putin continues as the President of Russia. Putin’s opponents organized demonstrations in Russia and elsewhere in the world.

This was Uutisviikko in plain Finnish, see you again. Goodbye!