Andrew's Selkouutiset Archive

TV | Clear news | Thursday 7 March 2024

Petrol. Government. Vacation trips. Weather.

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Strikes and gasoline availability

First, the strike news.

Strikes may affect the availability of gasoline.

The trade unions reported on Wednesday about new strikes. The strikes will start next Monday. They last 2 weeks.

Strikes affect transportation a lot.

Teollisuusliitto says that some gas stations may run out of gasoline. That’s why gasoline sales started to grow on Wednesday. Many motorists have visited to fill up the tank. There may also be a shortage of aircraft fuel at airports.

Strikes may affect the availability of gasoline.

With strikes, the unions oppose the working life reforms that the government wants to make.
Trade unions can call off strikes if the government softens proposals on working life reforms.

The government was upset about the strikes

Now another strike news.

The government does not like the trade unions’ strike announcement. The government does not want to soften the working life reforms.

The Minister of Finance Riikka Purra says that union leaders have no right to ban the government’s program.

Purra says that the strikes worsen the recession, i.e. the bad situation of the economy.

“This will probably deepen the recession.”

Labor Minister Arto Satonen is also upset by the strike announcement.

Satonen says that political strikes must be limited by the new law proposed by the government.

“We need the rules of the game for these political strikes. It can’t be that we don’t have certainty if our imports and exports will work.”

Vacation trips

Finally, news about holiday travel.

The prices of holiday trips have risen. One reason is that flights are more expensive.

Long-distance prices have risen a lot. For example, a sudden departure to Thailand used to cost 500 euros. Now the price is around 1000 euros.

The prices of holiday trips have risen.

The prices of normally priced travel packages have increased by 10-15 percent. That’s why many Finns travel less often than before.

One of the cheapest travel destinations is Turkey. Turkey is cheap because the Turkish Lira exchange rate is low compared to the Euro.


More weather forecast.
On Friday, the weather will be cloudy, meaning no rain.
The sun is shining in places.
The temperature is mostly between -2 and +2 degrees.