Andrew's Selkouutiset Archive

TV | Clear news | Wednesday 6 March 2024

New strikes. Poaching. Bad behavior at cultural events. Weather.


First, information about strikes.

New strikes are starting next Monday. They last 2 weeks at this point.

SAK’s unions said in the morning that the strikes will affect, for example, exports, imports and logistics.

The strike, for example, closes the freight traffic of ports and trains. Passenger traffic operates normally.

There are also many large factories and distribution terminals. SAK is Finland’s largest professional central organization.

New strikes are starting next Monday. They oppose the legal reforms of working life that the government intends to make.

The unions are ready to call off the strikes if the government moderates the proposals. Prime Minister Petteri Orpo has invited the social partners to a meeting on Friday.


Then about poaching.

The police have completed an extensive investigation into poaching. Poaching is illegal hunting without a permit or during a prohibited time.

In Lapinlahti in Pohjois Savo, it is suspected that poachers have caught, for example, wolves, lynxes and wolverines.

The suspect is 34 men.

The police say that the poaching has been extensive, planned and continued for many years. Other people in the community also knew about the actions.

The police have completed an extensive investigation into poaching.

Poachers have also killed swans and falcons, which are protected birds. Poachers have also tried to kill the bear.

Cultural events

Then cultural events.

Many spectators behave badly at cultural events.

Yle Uutisten’s survey shows that make-up and filming disturb other people in movies and at band concerts.

Cell phones are flashing, and you can’t see the stage behind the cameramen.


The weather continues to be cloudy, i.e. rainless.

It is sunny in the south and west. Otherwise, the weather is cloudy.