Andrew's Selkouutiset Archive

TV | Clear news | Friday 1 March 2024

Finland got a new president.

Alexander Stubb

Finland has a new president.

Alexander Stubb started as president today.

Stubb accepted the task at the Parliament building in Helsinki. He solemnly promised to follow Finnish laws and promote the success of the Finnish people.

The speaker of the parliament greeted the new president, and the new president addressed the parliament. The Parliament represents the people of Finland.

Finally, President Stubb inspected the company of honor in front of the Parliament House.

Alexander Stubb has therefore started as president today.

The new and previous presidential couple greet people from the balcony of the Presidential Palace.

Sauli Niinistö

Sauli Niinistö’s presidential term is over. Niinistö was the president of Finland for a total of 12 years.

Niinistö said goodbye to Finns yesterday. He thanked everyone for the support he has received during his presidency.

Niinistö is grateful that people have trusted him.

(Sauli Niinistö)

Gratitude for being the subject of people’s touch. But also a feeling of obligation, they have trusted me, so I have to do my best.

Presidential couple

The new president of Finland is Alexander Stubb.

Stubb is the 13th president of Finland. The role of the president is more than 100 years old.

Here is Finland’s first president Kaarlo Juho Ståhlberg and the president’s spouse Ester Ståhlberg.

The first presidential couple started many traditions that have been followed by subsequent presidential couples as well. A good example is the Independence Day celebration at the Presidential Palace.

Alexander Stubb is the new president of Finland. Finns are interested in how the new presidential couple will handle the task.

Alexander Stubb and Suzanne Innes-Stubb have discussed the task with the previous presidential couple, Sauli Niinistö and Jenni Haukio.