Andrew's Selkouutiset Archive

Radio | News week in plain Finnish | Sunday 25 February 2024

Young men and alcohol

The topic of the news week is the sobriety of young men in Finland.

Young men have sobered up, that is, they drink less alcohol than before. The change is historic.

Now we will tell you more about young men’s alcohol use.

Historical change in alcohol use

 Photo: Joel Peltonen / Yle

There has been a big change in alcohol use in Finland. Adult young men drink less alcohol than before.

Many no longer want to get drunk. This is what a survey by the Institute of Health and Welfare says.

In the past, young men used alcohol more and more often than young women.

Now, for the first time, there are perhaps slightly more sober young men than sober young women.

A sober person does not drink alcohol.

THL has studied the drinking habits of Finns for over 50 years. The latest research shows that more young people now want to avoid drinking alcohol than before.

Alcohol, health and social media

 Photo: Simo Pitkänen / Yle

Young men drink less alcohol because, for example, health is important to them.

Helsinki resident Arttu Ylitalo first decided to try a month of sobriety. He started sports coaching at the same time.

That’s why he realized that he can no longer drink alcohol in the same way as before.

Social media can also reduce young people’s desire to drink alcohol.

Young people are afraid that when they are drunk they will do something stupid and someone will record it on video. This is what substance abuse expert Maaret Väkinen says.

Dropless January

 Photo: Riika Raitio / Yle

There has been a desire to encourage abstinence among young men for a long time.

In the 1940s, the Tipato January campaign was started to support the sobriety of soldiers. That meant no alcohol in January.

January without drops is still celebrated.

About 12 percent start every year with no drops in January. In particular, people under the age of 25 are alcohol-free in January.

For many, it happens that the drop-off continues even after January.

THL estimates that alcohol consumption among young adults may continue to decrease.


The topic of the news week was alcohol consumption by young men. Let’s repeat the most important things.

Young men no longer drink as much alcohol as before, which means they are more sober. Many think about health and want to avoid booze.

The change is historic.

This was Uutisviikko in plain Finnish, see you again. Goodbye!