Andrew's Selkouutiset Archive

Radio | News week in plain Finnish | Sunday 18 February 2024

Alexei Navalny

The topic of the news week this time is Aleksei Navalny. Russian opposition leader Navalny died on Friday.

Navalny was an opponent of President Vladimir Putin. Uutisviikko is now talking about Alexei Navalny and how Navalny’s death has been reacted to.

Alexei Navalnyi died at only 47 years old. Photo: Artem Priakhin / Reuters

Russian politician Alexei Navalny died on Friday. He was 47 years old.

Navalny died in prison. He served more than 20 years in prison.

According to the European Union, the punishment was political. Navalny was an opponent of President Vladimir Putin.

The news of Navalny’s death came as a shock to Navalny’s supporters. They say Putin killed Navalny.

Navalny’s supporters have organized memorial services for Navalny in Russia. The police have arrested several hundred people who participated in the events.

Alexei Navalnyi died in prison. Photo: Yuri Kochetkov / EPA

Alexei Navalny fought against Vladimir Putin for many years. He had many supporters.

Navalny’s supporters organized large demonstrations against Putin. Navalny also ran for president, but was blocked by Russian authorities.

In 2020, Navalnyi almost died when an attempt was made to poison him. However, Navalnyi got better because he was able to get treatment in Germany.

When Navalnyi returned to Russia, the police immediately arrested him at the airport. After that, Navalnyi was in prison until his death.

Aleksei Navalny was also remembered in Helsinki’s Kansalaistor. Photo: Mimmi Nietula / Yle

Navalny’s death has shocked the whole of Europe. Leaders of many countries say Navalny’s death is Putin’s fault.

Ordinary people have also remembered Navalny in different parts of the world. Demonstrations against Putin’s Russia have been organized in many countries.

Finns have also remembered Navalny. Navalny was remembered, for example, in Helsinki’s Kansalaistor, where a new exhibition was opened on Saturday. The exhibition deals with the situation of Putin’s opponents in Russia.


The topic of the news week was the death of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny.

Navalnyi died in prison on Friday.

Navalny was an opponent of Vladimir Putin. He had many supporters in Russia.

Many in Russia and the world say that Putin murdered Navalny.

People have remembered Alexei Navalny in many countries.

This was Uutisviikko in plain Finnish, see you again. Goodbye!