Andrew's Selkouutiset Archive

TV | Clear news | Friday | 16/02/2024

Annika Saarikko. The condition of the tracks. Housing trade. Weather.

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Annika Saarikko

News about domestic politics.

Annika Saarikko is leaving the chairmanship of the centre.

- I have received a lot from the center. And everything I could give back, I did. At the party meeting in June, the club will move on to the next one. I am not seeking another term as chairman.

Saarikko said that the family is behind the solution. She is expecting her third child.

Saarikko said that the child still did not make the decision. The decision was a surprise for the center.

Annika Saarikko is leaving the chairmanship of the centre.

He has been the chairman since September 2020. In Saariko’s opinion, he had a responsibility to remain in the leadership of the party after the parliamentary elections.

The center fared poorly in the spring 2023 elections.

Condition of the railway network

Then from Finland’s rail network.

The railway tracks are in poor condition. Half of train delays are due to the poor condition of the track.

There are about 100 different points in Finland’s railway network where trains have to run at a reduced speed. The state train company VR says that this is why the travel time is increasing.

Finland’s railways are in poor condition.

The section of track may have, for example, sleepers in poor condition. Frost, i.e. frozen ground water, also causes damage to the track.

VR canceled all Tuesday’s long-distance services because the track damage had damaged the wheels of the trains.

Housing trade

Then from the apartment store.

The housing market will pick up this year and prices will rise slightly. This is what the Economic Research Institute PTT predicts

The prices of old apartment buildings will rise by maybe 0.5 percent. This is especially helped by the fact that mortgage interest rates have leveled off.

The prices will probably rise the most in Tampere, slightly more than two percent.

Interest rates have been high for a long time. Few apartments have been sold, and apartment prices have dropped a lot.


Another weather forecast.

During the day, it will snow in the east and north. In the west, there is pouta.

In the evening, the weather clears up, i.e. the rains stop almost all over the country.