Andrew's Selkouutiset Archive

TV | Clear news | Friday 9 February 2024

Eastern border. Slippage. Benches. Forecast.

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Eastern border

First, news from the east.

The government has decided that Finland will keep the eastern border closed.

The reason is the asylum seekers that Russia sends to Finland.

The Finnish authorities have information that perhaps thousands of people are waiting behind the border.

The Ministry of the Interior estimates that Russia will send more asylum seekers to Finland if Finland opens the border. That’s why Finland keeps the eastern border closed.

Russia wants to put pressure on Finland. Russia does not like that Finland joined NATO.

Interior Minister Mari Rantanen says that Finland has never been subjected to this kind of pressure before.

“This kind of pressure has never been applied to Finland on this scale and scope before.”

The closure of the eastern border will continue until April 14. The closure will now be extended for 2 months. In the past, the closure has been extended for 1 month at a time.


Now news about slippery.
The streets and yards are very slippery now. A lot of snow and ice has accumulated.

Many stores have run out of sanding gravel. Ice picks have also been sold a lot. De-icing salt is also sold a lot.

The streets and yards are now very slippery.
Real estate management companies have a lot of work.

Technical expert Markus Kuismin says that it is difficult to change the temperature. Sometimes it’s plus degrees and sometimes it’s freezing.

When there is slush, the streets have to be plowed. After that, another sandblasting is needed. That’s why a lot of sand is consumed.

Bench nightmares

Finally, news about the bench nightmare.

On Thursday, bench nightmares were celebrated in many high schools. Students in the last year of high school, or abit, celebrate the end of high school.

The helpers drove trucks and threw candy to people.

Abit also celebrated at their own school.

Many assistants have been planning bench day outfits for a long time. Many great outfits were seen on the benches.

On Thursday, bench nightmares were celebrated in many high schools.

Abe now starts her study break before matriculation exams.


Another weather forecast.

It’s snowing a little in the east. Elsewhere it’s dusty.

The sunniest is in the southwest and west.

The temperature is between -10 and -20 degrees.