Andrew's Selkouutiset Archive

TV | Clear news | Wednesday 24 January 2024

Early voting. Voter turnout. Weak ice. Weather.

Early voting

First, news about early voting.

Early voting for the presidential election has ended. The last day to vote in advance was yesterday, Tuesday.

A lot of people voted in advance in these elections.

43.9 percent of Finns who have the right to vote went to vote. That’s a lot more than the last presidential election

Early voting for the presidential election ended yesterday. The elections are going to be really exciting.

The Gallup survey says that the support of Jussi Halla-Aho among basic Finns has risen rapidly.

He is now the third most popular candidate. Election day is next Sunday.

Voting activity

Then the news about people with a foreign background voting.

People with a foreign background vote less in elections than other Finns.

For example, in the last parliamentary election, Finns with a foreign background voted almost half less than other Finns.

The researcher says that immigrants may vote even less in the future than today, if the government’s plans come true.

The government plans to make it more difficult to obtain Finnish citizenship in the future.

If you want Finnish citizenship in the future, you have to live here for maybe 8 years first. Today, the requirement is 5 years.

Weak ice

Then the news about the ice.

Now you have to walk carefully on the sea ice. Officials warn that the ice may be weak in some places.

Even if there is thick snow on top of the ice, the ice may not be strong. The ice under the snow may be thin or there may be a hole in the ice.

You have to be careful on the ice.

It is good to take safety equipment with you on the ice, for example ice picks and a rope. With ice skates, you can pull yourself back onto the ice if the ice fails.


Another weather forecast. It will neither rain nor snow on Thursday. On the southern coast, the temperature is at zero, elsewhere it is freezing.

The coldest place is in Lapland, where it is 20 degrees below zero.