Andrew's Selkouutiset Archive

Radio Selkouutiset Sunday 10.12.2023

Brainwashing of Ukrainian children. Human rights. Peace Nobel laureate. Housing company disputes. Weather.

Ukrainian children in Russian camps

You can recognize camp instructors by their red clothes and radio phones. Image: Screenshots from Telegram. Photo: Screenshots from Telegram.

Yle’s report reveals that Russia is brainwashing Ukrainian children. At Russian camps, they try to make Ukrainian children admire Russia.

Closed camps have been organized on the west side of the big city of St. Petersburg. There have been several camps for more than a year. The children are from Mariupol, which was destroyed and occupied by Russia.

Yle obtained security camera footage from the camp. In addition, Yle infiltrated, i.e. joined the organizers’ group on social media under a pseudonym. In the group, the organizers of the camp published pictures.

Brainwashing means that another person’s thinking and behavior are forcibly changed.

Guterres and Human Rights Day

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres warns of the rise of authoritarianism. Photo: Johnson Sabin / EPA

The Secretary General of the United Nations, or UN, Antonio Guterres warns of the rise of authoritarianism. In it, a single leader or elite group exercises power.

Guterres says that reminding people about human rights is now more important than ever.

Guterres says that civil society is under pressure and the media is being attacked from everywhere. Gender equality is also still a distant dream.

Today is Human Rights Day. The UN Declaration of Human Rights was adopted exactly 75 years ago.

Nobel Peace Prize laureate on hunger strike

Activist Narges Mohammadi, winner of this year’s Nobel Peace Prize, starts a new hunger strike in an Iranian prison when the prize is awarded in Oslo in his absence. Photo: Reuters

The Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded in Oslo, Norway. The award has been given to the Iranian human rights activist Narges naagus Mohammadi.

He has started a new hunger strike in an Iranian prison. Mohammad’s children accepted the peace prize today.

The 51-year-old Mohammadi was awarded for his fight against the oppression of women in Iran and for human rights and freedom.

He has been in prison for much of the last 20 years.

Disputes in housing associations

In condominiums, there are often disputes between residents and between the company and the resident. Photo: Pyry Sarkiola / Yle

There are disputes in many building societies.

The Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority receives several thousand contacts a year. They are related, for example, to housing sales, renovations and rental housing.

Suomen Kiinteistöliitto, the association of housing associations, also receives a lot of inquiries. Disputes between partners are often caused by various disturbances such as noise or music playing.

The free solution is the Center for Neighborhood Mediation. There are a couple hundred mediations a year. In the center, the parties to the dispute meet together with a mediator.


 Photo: Yle

The weather continues to be cloudy and occasional snow showers will move over Finland in the next few days as well.

The most snowfall is concentrated in the south and east. In the south it is 1 to 7 degrees below zero, in the north 11 to 16 degrees.