Andrew's Selkouutiset Archive

Radio | Clear news | Tuesday 21 November 2023

Espionage. The situation on the eastern border. National Opera. Weather.


 Photo: Eeva Sarlin / Yle, AOP

Russia is probably spying on Finns’ communications. This is what the information obtained by Yle says.

Russia Spying on data traffic that travels through satellites.

Russia has its own satellites in space, which it uses for espionage.

Information about Russian espionage is not completely certain. The Finnish Defense Forces and the government do not comment on the matter.

In the future, Finland will try to monitor the operation of Russian satellites more closely.

The Finnish government plans to establish a new center that can, among other things, monitor the operation of satellites.

The situation of the eastern border

People came to Salla border station on Tuesday. Photo: Juuso Stoor / Yle

Several tens of people from Russia have come to the eastern border, i.e. the border between Finland and Russia, on Tuesday.

They do not have the necessary papers, such as a visa.

They have come to Vartius border station and Salla border station.

The researchers say that Russia is directing them to Finland because it wants to disrupt Finland.

The Finnish government is trying to stop people coming to the eastern border.

The government said during the day that it might be possible to close more border stations. So far, Finland has closed four border crossings.

Russia criticizes the fact that Finland has closed border stations.

Russia says that the closure will harm the lives of Russians who live in Finland.

National Opera

National Opera Artistic Director Thomas de Mallet Burgess. Photo: Mikko Koski / Yle

The Finnish National Opera has a new artistic director. He is British Thomas de Mallet Burgess.

De Mallet Burgess wants to make an opera that appeals to all people.

He thinks that opera is not only the music of fine people. The opera must be about him in the modern age.

The new artistic director of the National Opera has lived in Finland for three months. He says that Finland has surprised him.

The surprise was that Finns are warm and humorous people. The reputation of Finns abroad is not like that.


 Photo: Yle

On Wednesday, a snowstorm will come to Finland from the west. The temperature is between 0 and -10 degrees. It’s colder in the east.