Andrew's Selkouutiset Archive

Radio | Clear news | Friday 17 November 2023

Eastern border. Corona infections. Military aid to Ukraine. School transportation. Weather.

Eastern border

Finland closes border crossings. Photo: Kari Saastamoinen / Yle

There was a lot of traffic on the eastern border of Finland on Friday. Asylum seekers also continued to arrive at the border.

Traffic on the eastern border increased because Finland has decided to close the border crossing points on the eastern border.

The border crossings are closed on the night between Friday and Saturday. At midnight, the barriers at the border crossing points are lowered. Other obstacles are also brought to the places, which cars cannot pass.

The border crossings are closed for 3 months, i.e. until mid-February. Only the northern border crossings on the eastern border will remain open.

Finland closes border crossings for security reasons. Many people have come to the border without the necessary papers, for example a visa.

Russia has let them to the Finnish border because it might want to disturb Finland. Finland wants to stop this activity.

Corona infections

Risk groups have been given a booster vaccination against the corona virus again. Photo: Antro Valo / Yle

The number of corona infections is decreasing in Southern Finland. This is what the Institute of Health and Welfare says.

There have been a lot of corona infections this fall, but now the spread of the corona has started to slow down.

However, the exact number of corona infections is not known, because fewer people are taking corona tests than in previous years.

Autumn corona vaccinations are underway. The Department of Health and Welfare says that there are enough vaccinations for all people in risk groups.

Military aid to Ukraine

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi. Photo: Jakub Porzycki / AOP

Finland sends more military aid to Ukraine. The value of the aid is 100 million euros.

This is the 20th time that Finland sends military aid to Ukraine. Finland has sent military aid to Ukraine totaling 1.5 billion euros.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi has thanked for the help on social media. He says that the aid strengthens the security of the whole of Europe.

School transportation

 Photo: Sakari Partanen / Yle

Travel times for school transport have been extended. Often, a schoolchild’s travel time is 1 or 2 hours a day.

The reason is often savings. Many schools have been closed in rural areas. That’s why it can be a long journey to school.

In addition, school transports often travel through many homes before they arrive at the school. It saves money, but increases travel time.


On Saturday, it may snow a little in the south and east. Elsewhere, it’s cloudy, meaning it’s not raining.

It is mostly cloudy, but the sun shines in places, at least in Northern Lapland.

The temperature will be freezing all over the country at the weekend. In the south there is only a little frost, but in the north the frost is severe.