Andrew's Selkouutiset Archive

Radio clear news Saturday 11.11.2023

Corona. Tiktok. Male friends. Nose day. Weather.


HUS chief infectious diseases doctor Asko Järvinen. Photo: Paavo Jantunen / Yle

A corona expert says that citizens do not need to worry, even though the risk of infection is now high in Finland. Asko Järvinen, chief physician of infectious diseases, says that the protection of vaccinations and infected corona is good.

The new corona virus type EG5, or Eris, causes a disease that resembles influenza more than before. The fever can still be severe.

Intensive care professor Matti Reinikainen says that the trend is nevertheless worrying. Currently, there are a total of almost 30 patients in intensive care due to the corona virus. It is as much as in the spring and winter of 2022 during the pandemic. In a pandemic, the disease spread worldwide.


Yle used artificial intelligence to create a profile of a depressed 13-year-old girl on Tiktok.

The content of the video application Tiktok can start to worsen depression surprisingly quickly, according to Yle’s test.

Yle created the profile and picture of a depressed 13-year-old girl on Tiktok with the help of artificial intelligence. Tiktok quickly started showing videos with content related to depression, the idealization of thinness, and even suicide.

The leading psychologist of the non-governmental organization Mieli ry, Frans Horneman, says that the videos are harmful to the mental health of vulnerable groups.

Tiktok has 1.5 million users in Finland. Most are young people.

There is an extensive article about the test at

Male friends

Nikodemus Nousiainen from Helsinki works as a boyfriend for a 7-year-old boy. Photo: Mårten Lampén / Yle

Men’s friendship needs more men. Male friends are friends for children who do not have a relationship with their father or who have a weak relationship.

Men’s friend activities are organized by Pienperheyhdistys in 6 localities. About 250 volunteers are involved.

About 110,000 children live with their mother, says Statistics Finland.

Most often, the child and the male friend meet 2 to 4 times a month. The friends decide for themselves what they will do at the meetings.

Volunteers are given 15 hours of training.

Nose day

The editors of the half-past seven program, Ella Kanninen and Mikko Kekäläinen, were involved in Nenäpäivä. Photo: Jari Pussinen / Yle

Friday’s Nenäpäivä on Yle TV1 collected over 1.6 million euros in donations this year. Nenäpäivä is a charity campaign of the Nenäpäivä Foundation.

Nose Day invites Finns to help the world’s children, who are in the most vulnerable position.

You can still participate in the Nose Day collection until the end of the year.


 Photo: Yle

On Sunday, water rain will become more common in the south. Snowfall is moving in the central parts of the country. The temperature in the southern parts is 0 to -4 degrees. In the north it is -9 to -14 degrees.

The day is quite windy.