Andrew's Selkouutiset Archive

Radio | Clear news | Friday 27 October 2023

Gaza relief operation. Corona infections. Apartment prices. Weather.

Gaza relief operation

Help is needed in Gaza in the midst of war. Image: EPA

The Finnish Red Cross, or SPR, is involved in the aid operation in Gaza. SPR sends a standby unit to Egypt.

There are 5 people in the standby unit. They make sure that international aid reaches Gaza from Egypt.

In addition, SPR gives 200,000 euros for aid work in Gaza and Israel.

The terrorist organization Hamas attacked Israel from Gaza about 3 weeks ago. That started a war in which many thousands of people have died.

The war has caused a lot of suffering for the people of Gaza. For example, they need food and medicine.

Gaza is located on the border between Israel and Egypt. Therefore, international aid to Gaza is transported through Egypt.

Corona infections

Elderly people and people in risk groups should get a booster vaccination against the corona virus. Photo: Antro Valo / Yle

Corona infections are increasing again in Finland.

Corona is a respiratory infection. Respiratory infections increase in the fall, when people are indoors again.

For example, in the Helsinki and Uusimaa region, the number of corona patients has increased. There are now 80 patients with corona infection in hospital.

A large part of the corona patients in hospitals are old.

That’s why doctors say that people over 65 should get a booster vaccination against corona.

Corona booster vaccinations will start in different parts of Finland in November.

The corona vaccination can be taken at the same time as the autumn flu vaccination.

Apartment prices

The housing market is now quiet. Photo: Mikko Savolainen / Yle

Apartment prices have fallen. This is what Statistics Finland says.

Apartment prices fell in July, August and September in all parts of Finland. Old shared apartments were about 7 percent cheaper than a year earlier.

Vantaa and Espoo were the big cities where apartment prices fell the most. In Turku and Oulu, apartment prices fell less than in other large cities.

Real estate agents say that the housing market is quiet. During July, August and September, 30 percent less old shared apartments were sold through real estate agents than a year ago.


It will snow a little in Lapland on Saturday. In the southern and central parts of the country, there is rain, i.e. no rain.

The sun will shine in the west on Saturday, it will be mostly cloudy elsewhere.

The weekend is cold, temperatures are below freezing almost all over the country.

On Monday, the weather will get colder in the north. In Lapland it can be up to 10 degrees below zero.

that international aid reaches Gaza from Egypt.